Foods for pain remember food is not a cure and will not stop a flare but may help ease you flare and day to day symptoms , the best thing for pain is cbd oil
Foods for pain.
Ginger, cherries, pineapple, coffee, salmon , cinnamon, blueberries, fish , oats ,oranges, eggplants and onions , garlic, leafy greens
Foods for anxiety .
Blueberries , dark chocolate , almonds, salmon, yogurt,turkey , avocados,green tea, red wine coffee,berries , eggs, turmeric
Foods for energy .
Eggs,coffee spinach, beans, quiona ,brown rice, lentils, bananas, walnuts , almonds, yogurt, oranges, sweet potatoes,strawberries ,apples,whole grains, hummus .
Food for immunity .
Yogurt, mushrooms, broccoli,spinach, ginger, sweet potatoes, almonds, green tea,oysters, fish , tomatoes, watermelon ,berries, eggs oranges
Foods for Inflammation .
Broccoli,nuts, ginger, pineapples, berries, cherries, beet root, broth , tomatoes, oily fish green tea,walnuts, grapes, avocados, dark chocolate , salmon, garlic
Foods that help detox.
Beetroot, green tea, artichoke, broccoli, cabbage ,asparagus, salmon, collard greens,oats , almonds,grapefruit, avocados.
Foods that help you sleep
Bananas, cherries ,kale , humus, honey, walnuts ,turkey, cheese, prunes , yogurt,dark chocolate, eggs ,kiwi ,tuna, milk, white rice
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